Mental Toughness Quiz

Why is mental toughness important?

The mental toughness framework and MTQ Plus psychometric assessment enables mental toughness to be measured and this has enabled a significant volume of evidenced based independent research since its development in 2002. Findings include that whilst everyone has a unique mental profile those with or who adopt a mentally tough approach are much more likely to be more resilient, positive and adaptable, better manage their wellbeing and so perform at a higher level.

For these reasons being mentally tough for an individual or an organisation is immensely important, especially in times of great change. Leaders, aspiring leaders and those working in stressful, unforgiving occupations or in situations of uncertain ty or dynamic change need to be mentally tough.

With this in mind, measuring and then developing an appropriate level of mental toughness becomes an important factor in individual and organisational wellbeing and performance which in turn helps improve overall levels of mental health. Beyond the individual , organisations in every sector ,whether they be in the education, health, government, corporate or sport need to be resilient and mentally set and ready to adapt to change.

There is no right or wrong answer but the closer you are to 7 affirmatives the more likely you are going to be able to respond effectively to most of life’s challenges and opportunities.

In contrast any less than 7 Yes answers and the more likely you are to be sensitive to unduly feeling mental stress and pressure from day to day events.

However, as this is a quiz, it’s an unscientific and approximate view only. For a more insightful and accurate assessment of how and why you are thinking and feeling the way you do we would highly recommend you take the MTQ Plus psychometric measure.

Mental Toughness is a “survive and thrive“ state of mind which encompasses resilience and confidence and can play a significant role in your performance and wellbeing.

By answering the questions Yes or No in this quick quiz you’ll be able to better understand whether or not you feel mentally tough enough to confidently face what the world throws
at you today.

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