if you are persistent you will get it. If you are consistent you will keep it.
All Our Mental Toughness Leadership and Culture Products and Services
Access all our products and services to help Individuals Leaders and their Organizations measure and develop their Mental Toughness Leadership and high performance culture to improve their performance and wellbeing.
MTQ Plus Mental Toughness psychometric MEASURE
AQR’s flagship premium mental toughness psychometric measure -online , contemporary , highly valid and reliable, gender neutral , deceptively simple with 13 rich data points .
Purchase for yourself , your clients or your organisation in single units or volume .
MTQ 4C’s Mental Toughness psychometric MEASURE
AQR’s standard mental toughness psychometric measure -online , contemporary , highly valid and reliable, gender neutral , 5 data points usually used in volume based projects .
Become more proficient and qualified in mental toughness in order to effectively teach and coach colleagues and clients.
Mental Toughness Development TOOLKIT
Array of experiential exercises which can be run in classrooms, offices, training rooms with individuals and/or small and large groups
MTQ Lite Mental Toughness MEASURE
Download this FREE Mind Summit app from the App Store or Google Play and answer 15 simple questions to test your mental toughness and access highly useful development tips .
MTQ -What is Mental Toughness INFO SHEET
Understand what mental toughness is ,why it is important and how you can use it to improve your performance and wellbeing with this FREE download.
This FREE poster featuring the famous MTQ pizza helps you understand why Mental Toughness is important for your attitude towards stress and pressure , crisis and chaos in each of the eight subscales .
Developing Mental Toughness BOOK
Now in its 3rd edition this is a ‘must read ‘book for coaches and practitioners ;Coaching Strategies to Improve Performance, Resilience and Wellbeing by Peter Clough & Doug Strycharczyk
Developing Resilient Organisations BOOK
How to create an adaptive, high performance and engaged organization by Doug Strycharczyk and Charles Elvin